科 系:|电子信息工程系|
导 师:硕士研究生导师
2021年1月至今 云顶集团4118com 副教授
2017年-2020年 云顶集团4118com 讲师
1. ****军内科研项目,智能微型浮标****,2020.06-2022.06
2. 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,海洋环境下多源图像去雾增强技术研究,2020.12-2023.12
3. 海南省科协青年科技英才创新计划项目,中小尺度海洋监测微型智能浮标,2019.09-2021.12
4. 海南省自然科学基金青年项目,水面无人艇路径规划与跟踪控制机制研究,2019.03-2020.12
5. 横向项目,不同海况下卫星通信信道建模技术研究,2020.06-2022.12
6. 横向项目,浮标自稳定系统研究,2018.11-2020.12
1. Cui Yani, Ren Jia, Zhang Yu. Path planning algorithm for unmanned surface vehicle based on optimized ant colony algorithm [J]. IEEJ Transactions on Electrictions and Electronic Engineering, 2022. (SCI检索)
2. Cui Yani, Zhi Shuaiqing, Liu Wenjin*, Deng Jiaxian, Ren Jia*. An improved dark channel defogging algorithm based on the HSI colour space [J]. IET Image Processing, 2022, 16(3): 823-838. (SCI检索)
3. Ren Jia, Zhang Jing, Cui Yani*. Autonomous obstacle avoidance algorithm for unmanned surface vehicles based on an improved velocity obstacle method [J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, 2021, 10(9): 618. (SCI检索)
4. Ren Jia, Liu Kun, Cui Yani*, et al. Search path planning algorithm based on the probability of containment model [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, Article ID 74592392021, 12 pages. (SCI检索)
5. Cui Yani, Ren Jia, Fu Delong, et al. A formation generation algorithm of multiple agents in naval battlefield environments [J]. International Journal of Security and Networks, 2019, 14(1): 34-46. (EI检索)
1. 2021年度海南省电子学会科学技术奖一等奖
2. 第二届“源创杯”创新创业大赛南部赛区三等奖、复赛优胜奖